February 2019 - LPNI

Lutheran Parish Nurses International
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February 2019

LPNI Devotion – February 2019


Great are the works of the Lord  (Psalm 111:2)

Awwwesome! Have you heard that recently?  The new song from the popular singer is awesome. This pizza is awesome. That new outfit is awesome. That television series is awesome.

There are things we might like quite a bit, but “awesome” may not be the most appropriate description.  In its proper understanding, the word is much more than food or clothing or entertainment.  Real “awe” probably doesn’t happen too often.  But there are times when using the word “awesome” is most appropriate.  Have you had an experience when you can’t help but utter something such as “this is beyond belief.  This is so grand it just takes my breath away.  I am overwhelmed.  I stand in awe!”  Words such as “amazement”, “astonishment”, and “wonder” help to capture the feelings associated with “awesome”.

Chances are when you have had an experience full of wonder, the inspiration has come from our loving God.  In fact, there’s no better example of “awe-inspiring” than God himself. Psalm 111 leads us to think of our God in that way.  Here is some of what the Psalmist says:
Praise the Lord!  I will give thanks to the Lord.
If we know how awesome our God and our Lord Jesus Christ are, we will give thanks.

Great are the works of the Lord … full of splendor and majesty is his work …
Think of his majestic works … his marvelous creation!  Have you ever stood in awe of a beautiful landscape, a majestic mountain, the stars in the sky on a clear night, or when looking at a new-born baby?  How about the blessings he has provided in your life?  How about love, including the type of love we might think about in February.  And then there are the many miracles of God in the Old Testament and by Christ in his New Testament ministry.  What could bring more awe than his sacrifice on the cross for our salvation and his triumphant resurrection?  Think of the hope he offers and the promise of a glorious life in heaven.  

Also, the Psalmist mentions:
wondrous works … gracious and merciful.
Something you may often overlook is the way God uses you and those around you to accomplish wondrous works that follow the Lord’s example of being gracious and merciful. Think of the way he touches the lives of others through the likes of you.  Showing God’s mercy and love and healing to those who need it is a wonderful calling.  I have stood in awe of selfless servants of many kinds who devote themselves to others.  You know them, too.  You probably work with them.  You are one of them, and I thank God for you.

There are far too many things to count that make our God awesome, and too many ways to remember in which he uses you to accomplish wondrous works. It’s inspiring, but not surprising, that one of the concluding thoughts of the Psalmist is this:
Holy and awesome is his name.
Lord, I stand in awe!

Paul Devantier, M.Div., M.S., LL.D.  Speaker, syndicated BY THE WAY radio program
2509 Schuman Road,  Arbor Vitae, WI  54568, USA
571-235-1616  pauldevantier@gmail.com
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