August 2021 - LPNI

Lutheran Parish Nurses International
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August 2021

LPNI Devotion

This morning at our campsite I sat with my coffee and morning devotions.  This verse was at the bottom of my daily journal: Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.  Joshua 1:9 NIV.

I had high hopes of going for a hike and getting some inspiration from God from this verse for this devotion.  Well, as you may know, not everything goes according to our plan.  The hike started out with some sadness and some rain.  Needless to say, it was less than ideal circumstances for what I thought would be a bright and inspiring hike.  It was pretty disappointing for me for about the first 2500 steps.  Then I looked around at God’s creation.  The blue, purple and yellow flowers mixed in with the green grasses overlooking the lake got me to thinking.  Wow… God was saying to me, “Karen, life has more color than what you think at this seemingly gray moment.”

Yes, that moment brought me back to the Joshua verse.  God is with me!  Yes, I was sad and it was rainy, but what difference was that in the great plan of my Lord for me, His beloved child!  Yes, the morning was dreary, I did not feel energy or happiness, but I do know that God loves me.  He is with me wherever I go.

This week we camped in a few states – Minnesota, Wisconsin and now in Illinois.  I think of this group of Lutheran Parish Nurses who are from everywhere.  This international group has one thing in common.  We all believe in our one Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ,  and we all serve Him to the best of our abilities.  I know that Parish Nursing is the same, yet different, for all of us.  It is exciting to me when a nurse commits to serving as a Parish Nurse.  Our congregation has been without a parish nurse since I retired five years ago.  God, in His perfect timing, has brought someone to serve in this place at this time.  I firmly believe that God is with us.  He is with us personally, as well as within our congregations and communities.

May we each know of His presence so that we can take each step with strength and courage whether it is in our personal life or as His servant as a Parish Nurse.

I delight to remember that God sent His son, Jesus, to the cross for us so that we can spend eternity with all sunny days.   We can live with courage and his assurance no matter if the day is bright and sunny or gray and rainy.

Karen Hardecopf
LCMS Parish Nurse Council Leadership Team Member
Director of Church Ministries-Parish Nurse Emeritus
Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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