Friendship -The Key to Good Health - LPNI

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Friendship -The Key to Good Health

LPNI Health Topic - April 2018
Friendship: The Key to Good Health

When one wants to achieve good health, we typically consider diet and physical exercise.  Health is also affected by attitude, stressors, coping mechanisms, and socialization.
Friends come in different forms, under many circumstances, and during various seasons of our lives.  Outsiders may look at a large gathering in our honor and wonder why this group of people came together.  The scriptures give us a glimpse of the friendships of Jesus.  Matthew 9:9-13 discusses how the Pharisees were somewhat mystified that Jesus would dine with lowly tax collectors and sinners.  He replied that he desired mercy, not sacrifice.  Jesus called sinners, not the righteous.  He knew it would be this group that people could relate to in the generations to come.  Friendship and closeness was very evident in this group.  
John 11:1-45 reveals that Jesus had other close relationships.  He loved his friends Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.  He told the disciples that their friend Lazarus had died, and then tried to comfort these friends in their grief.  This group depended on each other to cope with this difficult situation.
Our friends may not be what others expect, although we are healthier because of them.  Bonds are forged at different times in our lives.  In times of crisis, these friends come close and increase our ability to cope.  The ability to share our deeply held personal feelings may decrease our stress, and possibly help to avert depression.  We depend on our friends to listen to our fears, and to share our tears and sadness when the unexpected happens in our lives.  There are positive outcomes and increased outlooks when we can share such intimate feelings while being vulnerable.  The response from friends brings closeness and increased support which can actually decrease mortality.
Having a network of friends, as well as a number of close friends, has been found to increase our happiness.  This, in turn, boosts our health.  Our mental health affects our physical wellbeing in a positive or negative way.  Friendships are crucial in protecting our mental health.  Having friends is having a safe harbor in which to weather the storm of stressful situations.  It has been found that the more friends we have the better our mental, physical, and emotional health.  Happiness and positive emotions from close friendships may just be the key one needs to improve overall good health!
Hope Knight MS, RN
LCMS Parish Nurse District Representative for Oklahoma

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