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Lutheran Parish Nurses International
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Lutheran Parish Nurses International, NFP [LPNI] exists to serve the  Lord and His Kingdom through Christ-centered parish nursing in Lutheran  denominations.
  • We invite you to receive an introduction to  Lutheran Parish Nurses International, NFP (LPNI) and to hear from and  about several parish nurses who are part of the network.
  • We hope you enjoy the above video.  If you would like a hard copy, they  are available at a nominal charge.  Please contact  [email protected] for information about ordering.
  • Persons interested in information about Lutheran based parish nurse education courses may contact us for more information at [email protected]
Our Purpose

Lutheran Parish Nurses International, NFP [LPNI] exists to serve the Lord and His Kingdom through Christ-centered parish nursing in Lutheran denominations. The methods to promote this purpose are: Promote, Support, Equip, Research. Although situations in specific countries require some differences in practice, the focus is always the same.  Lutheran parish nurses provide a Christ-centered compassionate health ministry to members of their congregation and community.
How to Participate:

LPNI is not a membership organization, but a network of parish nurses and others with an interest in the mission, vision, and purpose. As a network, there are no dues. You can provide support through your prayers and participation in any or all of the opportunities.
Study Tours

Annual  study tours will be scheduled providing an opportunity for open discussions related to parish nursing, prayers, Bible study, and opportunities for service.
A litte about us
Thrivent Financial for Lutheran Foundation awarded a grant to support the initial development of LPNI.  We appreciate their support and the support of all donors who participated in the challenge portion of the grant.
LPNI is a 501c3 organization and is funded entirely by donations.  All donations are tax exempt to the fullest extent allowed by law.  We appreciate your gifts and your prayers.  Donations should be sent to Lutheran Parish Nurses International, NFP, 39783 Saint Honore Drive, Murrieta, CA 92573  Attention:  Sue Neff, Treasurer
Lutheran Parish Nurses International, NFP is an approved option for Thrivent Choice dollars.  If you qualify as a donor through Thrivent Choice, we encourage you to consider LPNI as one of your choices.  LPNI is registered in Rochelle, IL

Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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